Prof. David Chung

Professor, Department of Music

Interdisciplinary Research & Creative Practice
French Baroque Keyboard Music
Performance Practice
Keyboard Transcriptions

Prof. David Chung performs extensively on a variety of historic and modern keyboard instruments to critical acclaim. His concert activities have taken him to many cities across Europe, North America and Asia. These include performances at music festivals and antique keyboard collections, solo recitals in London (Benton Fletcher Collection), Hatchlands (Cobbe Collection), Cambridge (Asia-Europe Vision Group), Cannes, Villarceaux (Festival d’Ile-de-France), Texas, and Hong Kong (New Vision Arts Festival), as well as inaugural recitals for the new Headquarters of the World Fish Center in Penang, Malaysia.

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Featured Project

The Menetou manuscript: a study of styles and repertory for the harpsichord during late-seventeenth-century France
This article discusses the Menetou manuscript, a source that transmits some 80 vocal and keyboard arrangements of Lully’s music, and provides a comprehensive listing of concordances.

All Projects

Keyboard Arrangements of Music by Jean-Baptiste Lully. Critical edition, in Monuments of Seventeenth-Century Music, Vol. 1 of the Web-Library of Seventeenth-Century Music
Online Thematic Keyboard of Lully Keyboard Arrangements
French harpsichord doubles and the creative art of the 17th-century clavecinistes
Revisiting le bon goût: observations on the irregularities and inconsistencies in French harpsichord music 1650–1730
A Study of Sources and Performance Practice Issues in Recently-Rediscovered Sources of Seventeenth-Century French Harpsichord Music